見えない涙 -271ページ目

Link buttons upped

Was editing photos halfway and got off track. As a result you can see the button spammaged on the right sector of the page.

LOL. Its been a long time i touched buttons design/editing, within the small amount of space you need to fit in interesting image and text to make it stands out. ^^

shall go to bed now. Continue editing tomorrow.

Whats with the complains?!

Every now and then, I heard/saw people complaining about how hard their lives are. Money issues, freedom issues, family issues and all sorts of issues that only make sense to them.

Have they ever thought of the folks in the 3rd world countries? Hey! At least you have 2 hands, 2 legs, 1 mouth, 1 nose, 2 ears AND are abled.

If you still think because of money, work, freedom is in your way of living. YOU REALLY had wasted the air of all living creatures in the world. oh wait, some people in the world can't even breath without the help of breathing aids.

Sorry for the rant. The main point of this blog post is HUMANS, its time to WAKE UP. NO ONE EVER SAID LIFE IS EASY. AND YOU ARE NOT GOD, DON'T ASSUME EVERYTHING will go your way.

AND MONEY IS NOT EVERYTHING. ITS a PRIVILEGE to those who had them. A DREAM for those who don't, You can have alot of them now, but you may end up with nothing the next moment.

Cherish the things you can't get with money, YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS, and TRUST and most importantly HEALTH.

Don't go compare everything in life. You live your own, not in the shadows of others. Why compare the good and bad? If you wanna compare how rich you are, you will probably lose to those in the top 10 millionaires of the world. If you wanna compare how poor you are, then you shouldn't be using the computer to see this post.

Remember! Humans are weak, no matter how rich you are, you can't escape death.

Thank you for viewing at this post, its targeted to all humans. THXBYE

ポケウォーカー パワーアプー

got this yesterday for my Pokewalker. loving my Pokewalker even more!

梁文音: 愛,一直存在 autograph session and short recap

On Saturday, 5th Dec 2009, I went for a cosplay photoshoot. K-ON! series. For the id of the characters I will keep it a secret till its time. But the characters present was Azusa, Tsumugi and Ritsu. It was quite fun, and I had no stress at all, liked the feeling of enjoying a shoot without stress and small group. ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ

After the shoot I went to Bugis for Rachel Liang's new album autograph, SG was fortunate to have her back again with such a small time gap. She was here last month for award ceremony and won the newcomer award^^. Due to the lack of money, I would only watch in the crowd.

As she came out, rain starts pouring. If you think the photographers which uses "ladders" in crowds are irratating, wait till they whip out their umbrella, and the when everyone in the front is using umbrella, nothing could be seen on stage, cause of the IMBA aoe barrier in effect. (-。-;) I had to move around to view through the "openings". What ever happened to the shelther for fans like last time? one thing we know now, its no more.

When the autograph section starts, everyone cleared the area. Cos show "fin". so i moved to the middle, 1st row of non-autograph to see thru the whole event. YES. IN THE RAIN, WITH MY CAMERA! lol.

Some of the photos i took can be viewed here .


ポケウォーカ で ギザしょこにいる。
HG も ギザー ポケモンがいる。

しょこたんも つかまえたポケモンたちにギザをつけて名前つけてますよ!
しょこたんの ギザみみ と ギザマンタ バトルにします!

このチーム 私の仲間!(≡^∇^≡)(≧▽≦)


rainy days

its a rainy day again in Singapore today.

there is no snow in winter here. only rain.

It can only be sunny, cloudy, windy, or rainy.

My mum had undergo the cornea transplant on Monday and currently resting at home. Thats one of the reasons I can't go to work.

let the rain continues.


Feeling really empty right now. Everything around me are happening too fast. Too fast to remember.

There are a few random people adding me on facebook lately, maybe because SGcafe is closing down?

How will the fate of SGcafe be? I wonder too?

Where will the cosplayers and photographers go to next? A bigger question.

Meanwhile, we shall enjoy the last few days of the SGcafe we know of now.

Also wrote two short articles in TheBanzai!Effect this week.

AFA 09 Cosplay Photos and Aftermath


Pokemon HGSS's WIFI event gift Engima Crystal

Did two photoshoots over the weekend too, but the photos will not be ready so fast. As my mum will be having cornea transplant tomorrow morning.

Kinda of busy these days, that explains why I didn't blog in Japanese this time.

I just hoped everything to turn out fine.(//・_・//)

幸せのエリオル ー アファア09 ー 第2日

11月22日 も 幸せたった。

MAY’N であた。 オトぐらフー ゲット!写真のチャンスも。 ふわ!(^ω^)(^ω^)(^ω^)


けいおん!の せいゆうたちもこのイベトーで 皆さんの前ライブダビングしました。本当に楽しくて!

Ⅰ <3 アニソン 第2日 も 最高た! 福山芳木さん と May'n アンコールは ダイアモンドクレバス 福山芳樹アコギver と DYNAMITE EXPLOSION 歌う!


ありがとう 皆、 しょこたん、アニキ、芳木さん、MAY'N。AFA09 万歳!来年も みんなに会いたい!

幸せのエリオル ー アファア09 ー 第1日


アファア09 の はじめ。
しょこたん もう一どう あいた。

握手会でしょこたんに ポケウォーカーつうしんした! (^ω^)(^ω^)(^ω^)


しょこたんのピカチューと私のギザみみピチュー 「ギザしょこ」 遊ぼう!

I <3 ANISONG で。 しょこたん、初音みく、と水木一郎 (アニキ) を 歌う!本当に最高たった。


Anime Festival Asia 09 in Singapore. It was our second time.

I was fortunate to welcome May'n, Kaname, and Shokotan at the airport!

Below are a few articles I wrote for The Banzai! Effect. [yup. I am one of the new writers in this great site to share news on Japanese Anime, Manga, Game and culture]

- May'n and Kaname arrival
- Shokotan's arrival